Rome as a Living Museum

Proff. Irene Baldriga and Pier Paolo Racioppi



Field Trips

Galleria Borghese; Fori Imperiali; Foro Boario; the Rome of the Grand Tour (Keats and Shelley Memorial House; Caffé Greco; Goethe House).




                                  Galleria Borghese                        Field trip to the "Caffé Greco"                 A view of the Roman Forum

Changes to this list of field trips might be made on the basis of the possibility to get special permissions to visit sights usually closed to the public. Priority will be given to monuments and sights not easily accessible. For field trips requiring special permissions, students will be asked to sign in advance a sheet of reservation.

Students are strongly encouraged to visit on their own sights and monuments treated by the course which, for evident didactic reasons and lack of time, it will not be possible to visit together.

