AH331 - XVIth and XVIIth
century Art and Papal Patronage
Prof. Irene Baldriga
Contents: - Absences - Participation Assignments, Readings - Exams |
Absences 1. How many absences are tolerated without being penalized in the final grade? But for the justified absences (due to illness or very serious personal or logistic problems) a maximum of three absences is tolerated. As a general rule, it is necessary to communicate absences in advance, especially when students are missing field trips which often requires reservations. 2. How is it possible to communicate absences? Oral communication or e-mail to the teacher, if possible, or contact the Office. |
Participation, Assignments, Readings. 1. With regards to the "participation" expected, what is exactly taken in consideration? Attendance to the course, active presence and demostration of interest by posing pertinent questions and by taking part to discussions in the real and in the virtual classroom. 2. Are students supposed to study the assigned readings on the basis of the schedule provided at the beginning of the course? Yes. A fruitful discussion would otherwise impossible. 3. Is the additional material provided in class considered as a part of the required readings for the mid-term and the final exam? Yes.
1. Is it mandatory to present the research papers in class? No, but once you have enrolled to do it you are expected to keep your commitment. 2. Is it possible to extend the lenght of the research paper (more the 5 pages suggested)? As a general rule, no. 3. Is it possible to use also internet resources for the research paper? Yes, provided that the information given are reliable (ask to the Instructor). 4. Is it mandatory to insert images in the research paper? No, but it is strongly recommended (you can use also postcards, digital images, photos, etc.). 5. Is it possible to propose a different topic from those suggested by the Instructor? Yes, if you can adduce some good reasons and if the topic proposed is worth a research. 6. Which are the assessments applied to the research paper?
1. Are there pre-requisites required to attend the course? The course is a 331 level. It would be necessary to have at least a general idea of the art-historical method. and a general knowledge of the historical context taken in consideration (XVIth and XVIIth century). Newers to the art historical field are welcome, but they must be aware that an additional effort will be required to them in order to acquire the very basic tools of the subject. Additional readings might be necessary to them. The course is not a general survey on Renaissance and Baroque Art but it treats a specific aspect of the artistic production of the period: the role of papal patronage as an impulse to the creation of visual material.
1. Which is the format of the mid-term and of the final exam? Written test, consisting of 15 multiple choice questions (awarded 2 points each), 10 true-false questions (awarded 1 point each) and 5 short anwers (awarded 5 points each). 2. Which are the assessments applied to the short answers?
1. Will the contents of the Field Trips to Monuments and Sights be included in the exams? Sure. Field Trips are not for amusement, but they are meant to be a crucial part of the course. That's why it is extremely important that students do their best to don't miss them and try to take notes of the explanations given. 2. What does it happen if a field trip overlaps with classes of other courses? Should something similar occur, this will be considered as an exception and absences justified by other teachers. Field trips always require the Director's approval. 3. Who does cover the costs of the fields trips (tickets to museums)? IES will do, under the decision of our Director. 1. How do I join the Virtual Classroom? Go and type the key you will be provided by the Instructor. 2. May I simply peep at the classroom, without sending messages? Sure. Although an active participation would be welcome. 3. May I propose topics of academic discussion in the virtual classroom? Yes, that would be perfect. |